Hello all. So after much debate its been decided that mending is to be removed for now.
Fix notes have been added to voting, and this has allowed us to keep an otherwise scratched plan.
First what will happen:
A shop is being placed in spawn to sell your mending books. If you do not sell, they will turn into normal books at 4:00am.
Believe me, i know it stinks but its what needs to be done for now. You guys will be compensated with whats coming up however.
Along with the money you get for the books you have and the fix notes you can get, this has allowed us to create a new job in the upcoming jobs update. This job will be able to fix armor for players and get paid for it. This job was scratched until we realized how awesome it would be now.
Ill also be throwing $250,000 of my diamonds into lava today to uncelebrate this occasion. Yay.
Thank you for being understanding and we will work with some of you on a est server to see if we can reimpliment a less OP version of mending in the future.