The shop is here to create a baseline for the economy. It keeps things like diamonds from falling under 600 each while providing a starting income for new players via basic tasks like mining, foresting, farming, ect. What needs to happen to solve the "issue" of an inflating arbitrary number which only shows the raw meebles in the economy, (not taking into account the age, population, and stimulation of such economy) is to create good incentives to spend money in the shop. Frankly, high, outrageous prices on most items is the main reason why players don't typically buy from /warp shop. Part of the reason for these high prices is to leave room for player markets. For example, if players could sell diamonds for 600 meebles and buy them for 650, there would be little incentive for players to own a diamond shop, as the possible profit is at the most 50 meebles. Additionally, for most players, the extra ~25 meebles per diamond they pay for buying at 650 at shop rather than 601-649 at a player shop is negligible. Therefore, instead of tanking the player market in the hopes of reducing an arbitrary number in /baltop, we should instead have hard to obtain (or unobtainable) items at reasonable prices. Currently, there are hard to obtain items in the shop such as tnt and golden apples, along with unobtainable items such as eggs and bedrock. However, at the current price of 50 meebles each, tnt becomes very expensive when compared to the large amounts needed to get any considerable amount of work done whether it's mining or plot clearing. Also, as far as bedrock goes, the price for 250k is a very large gamble, especially when one misclick will render it completely useless. I could go on and on listing items that nobody buys due to their prices such as netherbrickblocks, emeralds, and filled bucket items, but the point still stands. These items have a huge potential for reducing the overall meebles in the economy while stimulating player trades, i.e. plot clearing for tnt, however they lack the sort of purchase incentive for players due to their purchase prices. Items such as the glass pick, villager tamer, and the grappling hooks are also good examples of reasonably priced special items, however, theyre limited in what they can do because theyre only available to a select group of people (legends). In conclusion, most of the /warp shop prices should be reworked to create a reason to buy them from /warp shop without disregard to player shops and trades.
Tl;dr/too off topic sorry i haven't slept since saturday night
Rework shop prices to maximize the potential for taking meebles out of the economy through high incentive items.