TechnoTyson mm I feel people don't even realise it's on the same floor, it can't be hard to make another warp and possibly add a couple customers to the meep slots (it's not going to hurt and might help) +1
andrewrobins +1. New players doing the quest will have no clue where the slots are. Add a warp~ @Photoave12Isn't that the fun of quests to search?
PseudoGod Isn't that the fun of quests to search?~ @andrewrobinsIt's rather obscure though; there's no real hint to where it is unlike most of the other spots.
CluelessKlutz Isn't that the fun of quests to search?~ @andrewrobinsThere's already a holo that says to use /warp slots . . .I say remove the holo, or add the warp.