Caleb here: my forums account is being stupid
I understand the want to make a new spawn, in order to create homey environment, and it probably will work seeing that the archs did a good job on. What I don't understand is the massive amount of optimism. It's good to view things in a good light, but to think a new spawn will bring about more fix other than an aethestic one is foolish. You could argue it's only one stage of many, but how many aethestic stages will it take in order to reach one that will benefit the server as a whole? A core community is what keeps this server alive.
Imagine the most vile human in existence. Pretend that is the current state of the server. Now, imagine this persons loving family, who only wishes to see this person become a better person. That's the community. Some family members have quit trying, perhaps they realize that even though everyone WANTS this man to become good, nobody is trying. You can throw any type of clothes at this person, perhaps even the nicest clothes in the world, but it's not going to change this person. It's the same with a spawn. No matter how many different spawns you try, you're not going to fix the server.
Meepcraft is blind towards the fact that without an active owner, it can't become great. No matter how much you WANT to fix it, you won't be able to! Techs can work hours for low pay, and in return get a boss who does nothing but undo their work or tell them to rewrite it. Based on what Klutch said, all Fuzzlr has done is order the architect team to build a new spawn, and screw up a shop Klutch was building. How's that for an owner who cares for his players?
EDIT: this post is confusing but I mean it's late sorry, don't mean to be toxic if I was