Wiggle_Waggle Hello!So the other day I bought 2 heads, @Fuzzlr, @Cooleysworld eysworld from @Adam34falcon for 700k. We agreed to the deal and I paid him and he gave me the heads. Then today, @SSSoulblade /msg'ed me and told me he was scammed/griefed by @thevolk and @aresmf. The two players took a handful of heads, including @Fuzzlr, @Cooleysworld eysworld, and a @onis_luck head. @SSSoulblade said that @Adam34falcon was given the heads by _____. I am willing to return the @Fuzzlr and @Cooleysworld eysworld heads back to @SSSoulblade but I need a 700k refund. I don't believe I have any proof, but @SSSoulblade, @QueenTiitan and @NickxGold can verify the story.Post below if you have any questions! I will look and see if I have any proof.Thanks!-Wiggle
adlovesdogs @Niiicck @QueenTiitan please post evidence of said violation. After that is posted we can deal with the request.
Niiicck This wasn't my case to begin with, but I guess Ill jump in and help. Will get evidence and upload later.AresMF was a new player that registered that day when he stole those heads, I don't think he knew what he was doing, just keep that in mind.
Khafra This wasn't my case to begin with, but I guess Ill jump in and help. Will get evidence and upload later.AresMF was a new player that registered that day when he stole those heads, I don't think he knew what he was doing, just keep that in mind.~ @NiiicckThere was a sign saying "Thanks for the heads -aresmf" (or something along those lines)
Wiggle_Waggle thanks @Khafra for adding a bit of evidence!@Khafra do you possibly have a screenshot of this?@Khafra do you have a screenshot of the sign?
Muunkee @adlovesdogs Is anything going to happen soon?~ @Wiggle_WaggleIf you have already gotten this taken care of by staff, and the staff said there would be a refund, just please be patient
SSSoul Addition: Apparently MLGGamer88 had some heads, but he gave them to a staff and forgot who. Thank you for your time.