Member Name CanadianH0b0
Additional In Game Names: CanadianBuck
How old are you? 19
Location: Canada
Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 4-8
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 4-8
Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? No
References: Please give IGN's MegastufOreo
When did you join Meepcraft? December 22nd 2014
Introduction: Hello everyone my name as you all know is Canadianbuck but my real name is Alexander I am currently a returnee to Meepcraft and have been back for a little while now. I was born in Canada and have actually moved about over 24 times! How crazy is that but ive only moved between 2 cities. I’ve grown up mostly with just my mother and my sister I’m currently practicing to become an IT Tech and will hopefully be getting into the school. I also have a backup plan to maybe even getting into a film school which also has been another dream of mine but even though I will be going into a film school i will not be working towards acting but working in towards either movie animation or game designing. I always put family and friends before anything else and community is a huge thing to me. When I’m capable of helping people I always always try to help someone in need and always feels good to see someone happy after a problem is solved.
My major hobbies are Fishing, Camping, Hiking, Guitar, and Photography
• Fishing: I have recently just picked up fishing for the last year or so and have only really experienced catching mostly pike (actually only pike) but it’s just nice to get out and enjoy the beauty of nature.
• Hiking: Now this is a big passion of me and my buddies are trying to plan a trip where we can go hiking for a whole week and just set up camps on our way to our destination once again I love to do this just to enjoy the beauty of nature and get away from all the technology once and awhile.
• Photography: This has been a passion of mine since I was pretty young and I feel I have natural talent for it and try to get out and take pictures as much as I can.
Why should you be Helper? • Helpful: I feel I am a Helpful and confident person and I feel very confident that my skills that I have can fill a staff role. When I am on Meepcraft I am always trying to find people that need help and also always trying to welcome and help new players as much as I can. I want to make sure that everyone on the server is always having a good time and make them feel that if they have issues someone is there to help them and make them feel more comfortable. • Personal Experience: I have personal experience working with people in a work environment and know when there’s time to have fun and when it’s time to get a job or task done. I’ve also have handled many situations where people are very heated or upset where i can cool the situation and get down to the problem.
• Involvement: I would like to be able to get more involved in the community and be able to contribute more to the server and I feel becoming a staff member is a way to do so.
• Activity: When I am not on Meepcraft I am very active on the forums and always looking to see if there’s posts where people need help or discussions that I can get involved with. Im usually on team speak unless there is no one on team speak to talk to. When Im on meepcraft I try my hardest to help people as much as I can and always try to make new players feel welcome
• Dedication: When I am working I like to get the job done and not mess around till the task is completely finished.
I really want to join the staff team because I want to work towards goals to better improve meepcraft and make the experiences for everyone more enjoyable.
What are your weaknesses? • Commands I don’t know all the commands but am trying to learn more command as my time on meepcraft progresses.
• When I get really busy on a project im working on I don’t pay attention to chat as often and sometimes miss welcoming new people or replying to questions people have
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I have been staff on a server but feel that the gap between working on a server does not really affect due to the reason of it being back in 1.8.1 beta Minecraft and had the position between Helper and Admin Bu servers are now very different from what it used to be so I feel that the skills I use to have do not apply now. Ive had some experience running a server but do not run one anymore
~ @CanadianH0b0