Hi Meep!
I joined Meepcraft about 2 days ago and I could safely say that this was one of the economy servers I look forward to playing. Having completed the tutorial, standing at spawn, I clicked on this villager named 'Broker' and was greeeted by a complex list of stocks. At that point of time, I knew I had finally found the server I had been looking for. Most economy servers are pretty basic, but as I explored further into the Meepcraft economy, everything just kept meeting up with my expectations.
Although on my second day I was met with some toxicity by certain players in global chat and hearing about some Mod who allegedly skipped my modreq, I have to mention that the players on my first day were really friendly. I received a warm welcome upon joining and in return I stunned them with my quick learning of the /g command, replying with a "/g thanks for the welcome!". I can't really remember who it was, but I received 1000 meebles from a random guy, probably as a welcome gift. Also, the community that was online helped with my queries in the server, so I was quite sure I wanted be able to be a member in this community.
OK, enough of flashbacks, now a bit about myself! I joined Meep as my previous server had shut down, frequenting the SMP and towny servers in the previous server. Thus I do have some experience in playing Towny and a general interest in Economy-infused Towny servers. I really do hope that I will have more opportunities to interact with the Meep community, and maybe make some friends as well! :)
P.S. Special thanks to [Helper] Midnight_Galaxy for confirming my forum account when the Mods wouldn't respond