In the discussions section, you will find peoples ramblings, people trashing on staff, people trashin on server, 4 people trying to seriously debate things with 15 people randomly flaming them and posting crap that doesn't make sense, people trashing on staff, people "quitting" meep... 4 weeks later, nhjed posting threads that everybody else seems to understand but I don't (forever alone). In the minigame-specific forums you will find nothing, at all, there are like, 6 skyblock threads... The suggestions section is full of people spouting random things that come of the top of there heads, this is the only section that comes up with partly useful stuff, but thats only because the great minds of random meepers who don't play in game come up with the best suggestions, Because the best way to fix something is to know nothing about it (trump) you will also find the report a players section, which if you read through the old pages gives you a pretty good look at meeps history, people reporting onis_luck for abuse, people reporting random other staff for abuse because they lost there favorite dead horse, people reporting "hackers" which are usually just some good persons alt, billybob12 reporting piro for saying "damn daniel" and people editing videos to make it look like other people are hacking. In the staff applications section you have 12 year olds applying with "give me helper because i luv meepcratf its mi favorit survor and i lik helpin people" and you have people posting actual staff applications that make you feel bad because you can't even understand writing that much. theres also the status updates which is just redolwolf posting "love" on peoples profiles. welcome to the forums.