The Story of Qaztar
We begin our story on April 20, 2012. I had just called up my best buddy, Dane, and my other buddy, Wyatt. I called them because I wanted, for the first time, to play Minecraft. I was on my Mom's old Mac laptop. I logged into my Incorruptable99 account, and hopped on Minecraft version 1.2.5. My friends told me "Click on multiplayer, then click add server, and then type MeepCraft in the title and in the ip!" I did what they said. I clicked the server that popped up, and joined in. I started out in this box, a yellow box. I was confused, very confused. There was a hole in the middle of the box, which I walked over to and jumped down. I was suddenly on a path, with leaves on either side. I strolled down this path until I came across a wall of signs. My friends told me "Read all the signs!" I read none of the signs. I kept walking, further and further, until I came across a wall of signs I couldn't pass. I read the signs, and they said "How do you get to spawn?" "/base" "/spawn" "/home" I was confused. What did this mean? I asked my friends, they told me it was the second one. And so they walked me through this test, having me make my way slowly, making hundreds of mess ups, until finally, I reached the end. A little bit of text showed along with all the other random text in this little box in the corner, saying I had gained some meebles. I had no idea what these were.
And so, with my friends, I went into the wild. They taught me the basics of Minecraft, how to destroy blocks and how to jump. How to place blocks. How to play the game. I loved it. The next day, I tried to call them up again, but they both had things to do. So I logged on by myself, back in the spawn area. But I had no idea where to go. I wanted to go back to where we were, but I didn't know how. So I walked around until I stumbled onto a gold block, which teleported me into a room full of signs. I sat in that room, reading these signs. They were telling me how to vote. I soon got bored of the place, and turned around to leave. Only then did I realize that there was no exit. So I sat in that room for over an hour, trying to get out of that place. I pressed all the buttons, and soon pressed the "T" button, opening that little box of text in the corner. I typed "help, im stuk in the roomwith the sings!" I said this about five times, until a person by the name of Zerke423 typed back, saying "type /spawn" I did as he said, and, like a miracle, I was back at the spawn. I exploded with joy and typed "thank you thank you so much" like thirty times. Finally, I got over it, and went back to the tutorial. This time, I read the signs, and learned how things worked.
I started reading chat, shouting each day, talking and joining in on conversations. This was a blast. But there was something far better than chatting. MEEPCOLONIES! If you don’t know what MeepColonies was, get out, you’re not welcome here. It was, by far, the most fun game I had ever played. I played with Dane and Wyatt and played for so long each night. I would absolutely LOVE jumping over treetops with my bow, getting above the enemy base, and then, when they weren’t looking, dropping onto their roof, breaking it, and stealing the flag. Or, I would tunnel right below the ground, sneaking and winding my way towards the enemy base, then coming up from the ground and snatching the flag from right under their noses. What a fun time. I learned to sprint, to fight, and from this, I learned to love the game.
After a few months, I decided to donate. I wanted to sneak into that cool mansion on the corner of spawn, which was guarded by armored guards. I wanted to become a pig, and jump around, playing pranks on everyone. So I finally convinced my Mom to buy me Premium, and so I got it. From this point on, I was addicted. I started to realize that I needed money. Lots of money. So I began to use my donor perks to gain money. I would parkour around spawn, block glitching and lag jumping to cool places, and then selling tpa’s to those places. It worked like a charm. My final goal would always be to reach the top of that tutorial box, but it would never happen.
One day, me and my friends decided to go into towny. We all joined a town called “Monkeyland,” which was a town in the nation owned by StonedApe. I loved the town, dedicating all my time into it. Soon, I was promoted to assistant, and I couldn’t have been happier. I made a great friend by the name of CreepersGamertag. It was here that I participated in my first towny war. It was a small war, but Monkeyland was a major town in the nation, and it was almost taken. I myself fought against the people who suddenly appeared on my plot, and I died, many, many times. But I didn’t care, I was having a blast.
I slowly worked up enough money to buy a diamond shovel. I took that shovel, went to wild, and dug sand for straight hours, leveling up my McMMO stats. It was loads of fun. I finally gained enough money to buy myself a full set of diamond armor. I took my diamond armor, and went down to the Terrarium, a underground place below spawn, where all the fighters went. It was a dangerous and fateful place, but I went anyways. But when I took just one step out of the safe zone, I went flying in, and joined in in the fight. I fought well, killing a few people. But one person joined the terrarium, and I was finished within seconds. This person, although I didn’t realize, was to become an admin. They were @Pimpkachu. When I died, I had my first ever rage quit. I left Meep, and didn’t come on for a month. Until it was my birthday. I then realized how awesome it would be if I got my OWN Minecraft account, AND got Exclusive for that account! Exclusive was the best rank in Meep! I would be awesome! So I got this new account, named it 1qazwsx44, and got Exclusive with it. It was the best thing ever.
When I came back, I joined the same town that I was in before. Monkeyland. I converted all my stuff over to my new account. And played every day for months. I then discovered “The Forums.” I loved the forums. I would read them every day, and finally decided to apply to become one of the staff I so admired. @Danielrulesman, @Pimpkachu, @rosenow, @Sdubs, @Fuzzlr, and most of all, @Alien_Venom. I loved watching them talk to each other and seeing how much fun all the staff would have, I wanted to join in. I was, obviously, denied. This shocked me, because I thought I would easily get accepted. I was far less known than I had previously believed.
And then, one fateful day, I was banned. I had no idea why I was banned. I had no idea how. All I knew was, that whenever I tried to join MeepCraft, it would pop up with “The Ban Hammer has Spoken!”
I left. For months. 3 months. Until finally, I went to the forums, appealed, and was accepted. I rejoined Meep with nothing. No money, no items, no house, only my rank. And so I joined the town…. Dankland.
Dankland was, by far, the best town. It was under the rule of king_al_58, which the head assistant being @LR_Davius. I later learned that it had been originally made by @Toasteds (More on him later.) I joined, bought a plot, and went haywire on it. That was one amazing house. You couldn’t imagine the amount of secret rooms and entrances I had in that place. I so desperately wanted to become an assistant, so I asked King_Al_58 how I could. He joked that if I got 1 million meebles and gave it to him, I would get assistant. Sadly, I didn’t get the joke, and I spent hours and hours grinding sand to get enough money to give him. I finally got 1 million meebles, and reluctantly told King_Al that I had gotten the million. He told me he was joking, but I wasn’t too sad, because I was already debating whether or not to give him the money anyway. But, just a few weeks later, he promoted me to assistant. But then the funniest thing happened. A few weeks later, Elite was released. Spawners were suddenly popping up in every town, and Dankland still didn’t have a grinder. We desperately needed an Elite. And then, like magic, @Akiratohiama joined Dankland. Me and king_al_58 were overjoyed at this new resident, but we decided to not just give her assistant immediately. So we tricked her into dropping into the grinder, and said we wouldn’t let her out until she placed us some spawners. It was pretty evil. She acted all sad but me and king_al just laughed. Finally, she placed the dang spawners, and she was promoted to assistant. Dankland flourished, and so did my activity. I ended up becoming good friends with Akira, King_al, and LR_Davius. I continued to parkour the spawn, having friendly competitions with people like @Woohoocheese to reach the top of the Christmas tree. But, one day, King_Al_58 left with a quick goodbye. And Davius was promoted. He had many great ideas, and built things like the railroad system and the massive floating cathedral in the sky. Both awesome builds. But, as he became staff, he became less and less dedicated to the town. Somehow, and I don’t really remember how, I got mayor. I had millions at this point, and deposited a quarter of it into the bank. I started growing the town far faster than it had ever grown. It soon became the biggest town in MeepCraft. But no, I wouldn’t stop there. I wished to become a God Emperor. So I created my own nation, grew it into one large enough to allow for the title “God Emperor.” I felt like I fit in that God Emperor title. But then something terrible happened.
Cruelty. Yep, cruelty. Bastard rode in with his server merge (Omegacraft?) and joined up. I haven’t seen a server lose more players more quickly (Haven’t played on many other servers though) and it was dying. People being banned left and right, website change, new everything, total failure. I decided I was out of there, so I found a nice duping glitch and got banned. I joined RuSian_Pedobears server, became admin, and decided I would rather be there. When my appeal was accepted, I hopped on, and advertised it. Got banned again. But I got bored of that server. I would far rather be on MeepCraft. So I appealed. It was denied, and I was pretty down. But, every day, I tried to connect. And one day it worked. I was mind blown, super happy but scared that it was a mistake. But when I checked the forums, I realized that it wasn’t a mistake at all. Cruelty, the one staff member who I had ever really hated, had reopened it and unbanned me. So then I had a grudging respect for Cruelty, which sucked. I got on, played some more, and then a few weeks later, the whole reset thing happened. I was just playing MeepCraft, when suddenly the message popped up in chat “You have been opped.” I was super confused, but quickly realized that I could fly around and break stuff in spawn. Everyone had been opped, and the server crashed within minutes due to the mass Ender Dragon spawning. The server was offline for days. Finally, we got back on, and Fuzzlr posted his thread about what had happened.
I applied for staff again and again, and was finally accepted. I lied about what my age was. I was actually eleven, but I said that I was thirteen. They didn’t realize this in my interview, and I became Helper. For the first month I was a great staff. Totally keeping up on my modreq’s and constantly helping out. But being a staff took away a lot of the fun of MeepCraft, and I found myself constantly saying no when people like @Lysseal asked to hang out, because there were modreq’s. I drifted away from my responsibilities and started just trying to have fun. I was demoted after about a week of that.
After this, I slowly drifted from the server. It still was what I played the most, but I started getting less and less interested. I started spending my 6 million meebles on mansions and crazy armor sets. Finally, I left. Just drifted away from the server. And then Zoe89 got on, started playing on the server. She convinced me to come back, just for a day. I came back and realized that I only had 75k. I started playing again, joined a town, made friends again. @Zoe89 became staff, and I became extremely jealous. So I applied again, was accepted, and became Helper. This time, I was determined not to make the same mistake as I had before. But other games became much more appealing, and I never felt the drive to go any further in staff, to go to Mod or even to SuperMod. So, like before, I drifted away from my modreq count. This time however, I decided it would be better if I just resigned. But when I got on to resign, I found that I was already demoted, which sort of ruined my whole plan. Since then, I used my meebles to buy a nice tower on a mountain, and am currently just living there.
Thank you for reading my story on this server. It has been by far the best experience I have ever had in an online community, and I am very grateful for all of you.
Special thanks to:
Bob_2779 and Danehohmeyer for introducing me to MeepCraft.
@Akiratohiama for being an awesome friend.
@LR_Davius for showing me the ropes of towny, and hooking me in.
@TheRealWoohoocheese for racing me to the top of the Christmas tree in old old spawn.
@Lysseal for being, like Akiratohiama, a fantastic friend.
@Zoe89 for bringing me back to Meep, and for being annoying :I
@Alien_Venom for giving me a signed book one time.
@kevman967 for helping in the End Defense, and for teaching me how to PVP.
@Tolkie for quack.
King_al_58 for introducing me to my first real town.
CreepersGamertag for being my first real friend.
@Fuzzlr for making this experience possible.
If I forgot you, just reply and I'll be sure to add you.
And most of all, thank you to Zerke423, who's small act of kindness changed much more than he had realized, and made this all possible.
We could all take notes from that.