Member Name MegaStufOreo
Additional In Game Names: None.
How old are you? 14
Location: USA(Eastern)
Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) Around 4-5
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) Around 8
Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes
References: Please give IGN's
When did you join Meepcraft? Around May 2013
Introduction: Hey, so here's a little bit about me. My name is Ian, and I'm 14 years old. I'll be honest, I'm not normal, and I embrace that as a gift. Being different is something I'm proud of, as I stand out among others. I regard to myself as a jolly and silly person who is capable of being mature when necessary. I always try to be kind to people, as everyone is fighting an internal battle I know nothing about. This summer, I'll be working in a computer store, fixing them, building them, all sorts of neat stuff. I'll also be working at a day camp as a CIT, dealing with smaller children, around age 8. I'm on the verge of moving from Middle School from High School. I participate in a few extra-cirricular activities, including soccer and rowing, which both recently ended seasons. Aside from that, I do my best to remain involved with my community and peers. I believe that leadership among your peers is a charitable quality without being arrogant. In my 3+ years of being involved in the Meepcraft community, I believe that I have learned a few things about the server.
Why should you be Helper? Before I joined the Meep community, I usually just hopped from one server to another, hoping one day I would find one that's worth sticking to. One day, I found Meep. I immediately knew it was something different, that it had something else that servers didn't have. It wasn't one of those servers where you meet someone, play a minigame with them for a while, then never see them again. It was a community, where you could adapt and play a part on the server.I immediately knew it was the server for me, so I decided to stay. I believe that Meep has helped me grow and mature, and make me a much more respectable player. And throughout these few years, I've learned quite a bit about the server. I know commands, and a lot about the players and community as a whole, which is one reason why I believe I would make a suitable fit as a staff member of the server. Being the current owner of a beta town and some previous others, I have learned to deal with new players. I do my best to introduce them to the server and help them with any commands or anything else they need. Another reason is my work with different kinds of people. I love to work with kids, which makes up a large portion of the young players of Meep. I also have dealt with kids with personality differences, such as excessive anger and/or a tendency to be "toxic". I've learned how to deal with these types of people as I treat anyone else, as kindly as they allow me. Another reason I believe I would make a suitable staff member is my responsibility. When I am faced with a task, I get it done as fast as possible. I don't procrastinate until the last possible minute to get it done hastily. I get it done with efficiency and speed. Another reason I believe I'm staff material is my attentiveness. I'm always paying attention to the chat, so, for say, if someone broke a rule in chat, I would be able to take action. I also believe that my hours online would be ideal to the server's goal of having staff on 24/7. Yes, I do understand we have many staff in the US. However, on the weekends which will soon turn into almost every night due to summer, I stay up to 1 or 2, sometimes even 3am. At this time, not many staff are on, which leaves a gap for players to break the rules.
What are your weaknesses? Everyone has weaknesses, and I'm not going to sugarcoat myself and say I'm perfect. My first weakness is irritation. I get irritated a bit much when I see people breaking the rules. It just makes me annoyed how people are willing to ruin others' experiences in order to get something for themselves. I also get annoyed with trolls, which falls under a similar category. They just get on my nerves. I understand these weaknesses and everyday I work towards moving passed them.
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: As I have stated above, I want to thank meep for everything it has done for me. It has helped me to become a better person and is to thank for many life lessons I have learned these past years. I want to Meep prosper, and will always do my best to help, even without a staff rank. If you have any questions or comments, please state them below, as I really appreciate constructive criticism. YOu can also reach me in a private forums convo, Teamspeak, in game, or on skype. (megastuforeomc)