Member Name Midnight_Galaxy
Additional In Game Names: ItzApex (My Friends account), I used this before I started playing meep on my main account.
How old are you? 17
Location: Australia (Queensland)
Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 5-7
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 5-7
Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? No
References: Please give IGN's Spyda6
When did you join Meepcraft? Feburary 12th 2015 (ItzApex) April 15th 2015 (Midnight_Galaxy)
Introduction: Hiya I’m Midnight_Galaxy and I am a 17 (nearly 18) year old girl who currently lives in Queensland Australia. I am a High School graduate as of last year and I took Music, Drama, Biology, English, Math and Geography in my last two years of schooling and got a majority of B’s. I am currently unsure of what I want to do in the coming years so this means I have a mass amount of time free. In addition to this whilst I was in High School I partook I many volunteer groups. In my first two years I was a member of an emergency service cadet group, and in this group I learnt how important teamwork is and how it can really make a project thrive. In my 3 years after this group was shut down I joined a volunteer group within my school, in my last year I made it onto the executive committee as the treasurer of the group. This group focussed on getting out into the community and helping at retirement homes, fundraising etc. In my last year of schooling I was elected into the leadership council as the community leader. This role and position helped me learn how to work quickly and if necessary under pressure.
In my free time I enjoy walking my dog, playing with my animals, music and obviously playing Minecraft.
I came across meep when I was browsing server lists online. When I first joined I was shocked by how friendly and welcoming everybody was. Meep is like a giant family, some people know everybody, some people don’t really know anyone but we all welcome and support each other all the same. During 2015 I took a break from meep due to personal reasons and I started playing again late last year. In my time coming back on meep I have become co-mayor in my beta town (Mellowtown) and assistant in my Alpha town (Venice).
Why should you be Helper? Experience:
I have been playing Meep for almost 2 years now and I believe I have been through multiple experiences that have enabled me to feel confident to apply for this position. I know how to work through a tough situation and am able to stay calm and collected. I am well know ledged with an abundance of meeps commands but if a situation appears that I am unsure I am not afraid to ask someone else for assistance whilst also looking myself.
Work Ethic:
I believe having a team with good work ethic is an extremely stong team and jobs/tasks/issues will be solved and completed quickly and efficiently. I believe I have a good work ethic due to the fact that when given a job or task I work extremely hard to complete it and dedicate myself to the job. I am able to still have the same level of work if not better when working under pressure and can work extremely quickly when my mind is set to a task.
If I am successful in becoming a helper then I will dedicate myself fully to the team and perform the tasks given to me quickly and efficiently. In addition as previously stated I am not afraid to ask for help so if I am confused, stuck etc. I won’t hesitate to ask for help whilst I am looking. With my work in volunteer groups and my leadership council it helped me learn that for a team to thrive it needs complete dedication from everyone and I believe I would give my all to the team.
Location and Availability:
I believe my location and availability would be an excellent asset to the team because I would be able to provide assistance to those online in the non-peaks and when there are occasionally no staff online. In addition I can also be on in the peak times which means if it is busy I would be able to help out.
I believe if successful I would make a excellent member of the staff team as helper, not only for the reasons above but also because I am a kind hearted and self-less person and as much as this is said I love helping people.
What are your weaknesses? I am currently working extremely hard to have more confidence in myself and my decisions. Due to this occasionally I can become unsure of myself and decisions.
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I unfortunately do not have the best internet and it can occasionally drop out completely, we are currently working hard to fix this issue.
I am also aware that i am not very active on teamspeak in terms of actually talking, i try to come on as much as possible and in the area that i live it is extremely noisy so it can get hard to hear me :)