Now that the amount of work has been explained, I would like to vote on each idea individually.
+1 This would be incredibly useful. However, I disagree with the suggested limitation. The idea of spending 4 diamonds to move a mob once is absurd. Perhaps it could be made of items that are relatively worthless for other things, such as slime balls, string, and clay balls?
-1 Even costing diamonds, this will become so overpowered. It would have to be nerfed so terribly, it wouldn't even be worth adding. Here is what will happen:
1. Random player gets said "voting item"
2. Rich player buys it off of the other player
3. Rich player buys more and more of these, and has a room full of said villagers
4. Market for notes would crash, making the last suggestion (Baconator) worthless
5. Entire process gets nerfed, making it worthless
-1 Firstly, this seems to contradict suggestion #2, which could give feed notes. Besides that, this item is no better than having to carry food around. Sure, it decreases the amount of food you need, but isn't food easy to grind? The item costs a good deal, too. Using the suggested recipe, the gold costs 8,200 Meebles. Sure, it might not seem like
that much, but then think what happens if you die mining, or anywhere. There goes another 8,200, all because you tried saving inventory space.
In addition, it really isn't any more convenient. The player still has to hold the item, and that's exactly why people loved /feed so much; it was something they didn't have to think about.
Everyone appreciates the sheer amount of good ideas @reggles44 , but it would be easier to add perks back in with these ideas:
I was really upset about Eula not upset enough to leave Meep.
While being upset it came to me we could have a leveling system for all players that could earn us some of the following donator perks /fly, /fix, /nv, breathing underwater, and more
Like we preform certain tasks to earn them.
That's it
~ @Forest
Now that /nv was recently removed, I think it would be a good time to add some perks back using the jobs plugin. It is possible to use permission integration in the jobs config file. So let's say level 30 miners get /nv. Does this break the Eula? No, it does not require donations, therefore, no rules have been broken. I believe this would make the server more fun and would give people an incentive to do their jobs. This could be added to other jobs too.
Other Suggestions:
- Level 75-100 builders get access to /fly (I'm not sure about this one)
- Level 35 farmers get access to a breeder kit (2 of each farm animal spawn eggs/1 week cooldown)
~ @Blendyz
So lots of people have already come up with ways to "bypass" the EULA but they have all been hasty and made quickly with plenty of flaws. I have spent lots of the day on TS and come up with some ideas.
First here are some stats. When I asked lots of people which perk they want back other than /fly in teamspeak this was their answer
/fix: 8
/nv: 3
/heal: 2
/smelt: 1
Clearly /fix is missed the most
So here is my idea, we implement perks into jobs. Because while jobs are kind of used there not as much as they can. How this idea works is say you are the miner job, once you hit level 25 you can /fix every pickaxe you have 1 time then once you reach 50 2 times then once you reach 75 3 then finnaly 100 4 times. Say you are woodcutter its the exact same thing as miner except for you are /fixing an axe. For hunter job its the exact same except for each 25 you get 2 /heal per day
Also for builder you could get /nv so you could build through the night or in dark places
~ @fasehed
As everyone knows, the EULA removed every perk we ever really liked. This includes:
1. /fly
2. /fix
3. /spawner
4. /nv
5. Water Breathing
6. /feed (Was given to all players, then taken away from everyone)
7. /heal
So the question is, who is going to donate $160 to Supreme if it only gets sethomes, and cosmetic stuff?
We all know every Admin did their absolute best to salvage as much as they could, and are working to re-implement perks that are EULA compliant. Here is a way we can give everyone absolutely everything back, keep everything to their ranks (No citizens with /feed), and still be EULA compliant: make ranks purchasable with Meebles.
~ @CluelessKlutz
So all those super helpful perks were removed because they break the EULA, right? Let's bring them back but in a way that does not break the EULA!
I'll give an example right away since I can't think of a better way to explain.
Let's say I buy a Fly Perk Booster for $10. This booster would last 20 minutes and it's activated as soon as it's purchased. Now, I'm not just buying fly for 20 minutes for myself, but for everyone.
Once the booster is activated, EVERYONE on the network would gain the perk for the booster that I purchased. It would display a message in chat like "Bloopers just bought a Fly booster for 20 minutes! Say thanks!" and then everyone would get to fly for 20 minutes in Spawn, Wild, Alpha and Beta(and anywhere else that fly used to be allowed that i can't remember.)
The costs and times may be different but there would be boosters for:
Feed(not going hungry for however long the booster lasts)
Fix(no durability lost for however long the booster lasts)
Fly(flight for however long the booster lasts)
Heal(access to /heal like it used to be for however long the booster lasts. would have a cooldown of course)
and more! (maybe a minigame multiplier booster could be added too, to combat having to remove the rank multipliers in boomo and such)
Remember, this doesn't break the EULA because you purchase this for everyone, not just yourself!
Maybe there could also be a way to buy a booster for meebles, I don't know.
~ @Bloopers
Also, we do not want to see like a heavily modded server. Yes, we have plugins that allow Towns and such, but few items that you can't even make with /give commands.