They need to at least give people with ranks meebles because its not our fault that we have consequences for meep being irresponsible with their server especially when some people donated 320 dollars for ult and then lost /fly i mean come on 320 dollars is insane but they really loved this server and donated but now they lose 320 real life dollars. I know they said they would add new perks but they better add it really freaking soon cause you guys remember /warp mobs that crap was supposed to come out on the 8th of January that long. I would curse but i don't wanna get a forums ban. The main reason i'm mad about this is meep is responsible and now donors are suffering for crap they payed for they need to do something about it.
~ @M0W0G
It wasn't Meep's fault. We had 2 choices, shut down and redo the whole server and you not being able to come on, or take away the commands to follow the EULA compliance. Rather still be able to come online and not lose anything, right? We understand that there are many ultimates (and other players) who spent many, many meebles on this server for ranks and having their commands gone now is much disappointing. But we are on the right road to getting awesome new features to make this server even better than it is now.