Good game Meep, I see you're trying your hardest to shoo away donators.
KIDDING ^^ how about not taking that seriously AT ALL.
I'm still here
I'm still donating
I will keep donating
Even if my PayPal took the biggest crash ever
Even if there's no extremely useful perks like /fly /fix and /heal and even /nv :(
Meepcraft is still the best server there is, meep will always be the best. This is a suprise and will take a while to get used to. /Fly was the reason many people donated for "Legend" and now it's gone. I did like how it helped builders and such of that matter. But seriously; the perks aren't everything. Of course no one would really donate to get anything else except a Rank Tag (because chat color is also a perk) if all perks went down, but a few won't kill us. We should still
What I don't like is how presumedly we were all in the clear, it was stated how WE WERE 100% IN FACT in standards with EULA. This was either a EULA screw up with them telling us we were good then suddenly telling us we weren't good, or was it a possible staff mess up when they weren't too sure. I'd like this clarified. Now Kazarkass' thread will be brought back up, haha.
Thanks for the fun time Meep, let's keep at it. The server will improve, it will grow, don't worry.