Ok, because I have been tp killed, and nearly tp killed by an ULT of all players, I have thought of something that should be fair for everyone involved. Invincibility for about 12-15 seconds after being teleported.
This reduces basically every way you can be tp killed on meepcraft and even lag killed, here's the list:
1 No tp killing in say warp wild if someone accepts a tpa and tries to kill the person that they teleported to them. If you teleport to them and are invincible for a few seconds not only can you tell that the person is trying to kill you and tpa away, but you can at least get a few screen caps of it before you tpa away. Also any damage attempted to be done you to while invincible would be logged for staff to see on their /logs or whatever the staff command is.
2 No uber rude ults tpaing you to say Y 400 (yes I remember the Y coords @ult I cannot name due to meep legal reasons) into a pool of water as that would not only put a message in staff chat that "someone was teleported a bajillion blocks above the ground, investigate their flying behind". The real moral here is that no one should be tpad 100+blocks above ground without it at least notifying staff that someone's likely doing something here, and I don't care if it's above water, it's still the utter fear and terror of losing your items while you have about 3 seconds to type /spawn WITHOUT typos caused by utter fear.
3 No noobs tpaing you into lava because they suck because in 12 seconds you can swim out of lava (from the lava pit I found in /warp wild at least)
4 The biggest problem here...meeplag + moving around. AKA teleporting to say a place uber high up then moving safely around...then meepcraft happens and says not only did you move left instead of forwards, but you also fell 150 blocks onto bedrock and died...because meepcraft lag.
Now why 12-15 seconds? Because I tested this with a stop watch app on my ipod and I am a nerd....
I timed falling from Y350 in single player creative and reached the floor at Y1 in about 6.8 seconds
I timed myself climbing out of a lava pit in warp wilds after jumping into the center of it, while wearing fire prot 4 armor. Time to get out + 2 seconds of fire damage 12.6 seconds.
I timed myself acting panicky as I scramble to type /warp spawn. Time to tpa away 6 seconds accounting for typos you make as you're mentally crapping yourself, add 3 more seconds to account for your computer to load where you first tpad to and to figure out what's going on.
I know the part about adding logs while invincible and having staff notified when someone gets tpad uber high up is a bit of work etc, but just general invincibility for only a few seconds after being tpad would really solve a lot of tpa killing/trolling problems and worries.
Also this would of course be disabled in kitpvp and parkour worlds because the last thing we need in kitpvp is abusing MORE things that they can get away with until a staff member with recording software shows up.