It's good for a first attempt! I got a couple things I think could help for next time:
- Add some more depth to the outside of the house. Continue some stone slabs around the back and sides, maybe even incorporate another block! It just keeps the entire house interesting that way.
- Laaaandscaping! This always helps to add some colour into the build and since you've stuck to a couple colours, adding some green and different pops of colours will brighten it up and keep it interesting.
Couple of things on the interior as well:
- Keep the edges sharp. In a couple of spots I noticed you had like a block missing in some places. Keep the walls smooth and consistent, it helps to enhance that sleek modern look you're going for. Also continue the pink down for the entire wall, unless you're going for a wainscot kind of look.
- Change up the flooring! There's already lots of grey stone and once you get too much of it, it starts to look bland. Add some wood in there, I'd go for a dark oak or spruce, because it adds some good contrast against the pink.
- Maybe split it up into some rooms. You've got high ceilings as well and I think that some sort of loft would add for some more floorspace as well as give it an edgy twist.
That's all I got! For a first it looks really good. Nice work!