Lord_Walrus That is amazing! I'm super hyped for Dark Souls 3, that game got me tons of subs on twitch because my friend Fruit and I raged tf out over that game lol.https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls/comments/4ceas5/minecraft_7_hour_build/
Deljikho If you have DS2 on PS4 and/or plan on getting DS3 on the same platform we should team up and gank noobs haha. Praise the sun! \[T]/Also that looks awesome, great job +1
marshallmafers That is amazing! I'm super hyped for Dark Souls 3, that game got me tons of subs on twitch because my friend Fruit and I raged tf out over that game lol.https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls/comments/4ceas5/minecraft_7_hour_build/~ @Lord_Walruslmfao half of those comments, lmaooo
TheDebatheist Some real art. Instead of just copy-pasting data into the game. Very nice.360/XB1/PS3/PS4 -- DmS/DkS/DkS2?
Blendyz All I can say about this build is wow! I love the style, I love the material choice and almost everything about this build! Keep up the great work!
Deljikho Is anyone playing this on PS4? Add me on PSN: DeljikhoIf only I could be so grossly incandescent.. \[T]/