I am kind helpful caring if you need something just ask me i used to be immature,non-professional but now that was in the past from last year. It's time to change and bring back my Reputation. I know how to code plugin's mod's etc... If you need any assistance like i said Contact me. I have been scum immature unkind or unhelpful in the past in a past account.
Now, I hope to redeem myself and become somebody who should be staff and correct my past mistake's with other staff member's and feude's i had created. I have grown since my last time on meepcraft I am more mature helpful responsible and are no longer immature unkind disrespectful.
I can get a little bit kinky if you insult me as i am quite sensitive and i don't like being insulted.
You can probably think of my past account now and think of what a jerk i am but i am seriously sorry and i hope i can be forgiven by all staff. I have grown past that moment where i was a person who shouldn't even be on the server and realised my mistake's. I am hoping to have my apology accepted by everyone.
I hope to be friend's with everyone and help the community grow as this is what i intend to do i am sorry if i caused any harm in the past i have now learn't from my mistake's i am now a lot older and more mature,responsible,kind and respectful. I have learn't that meepcraft has helped me grow through lose aspect's I wasn't happy indeed when i did the wrong. But now i realise i really did wrong and this is my apology and how you will get to know me.
I will have a poll Up for you to accept or deny my apology.