So, this guide will explain things that I noticed in UHS and how some of the mechanics work. This will also include a guide on how to survive.
[INDENT]Survival Bonuses:
[INDENT]Every 30 Minutes: 1 /tpahere
1 Hour: Bed Spawns (Does not always work)
Every 1.5 Hours: 20 seconds of Regeneration If Hunger is Full (2.5 Hearts Healed Max)
Every 3 Hours: 1 Enchanted Golden Apple[/INDENT]
Daylight Cycle:
[INDENT]During Daytime:
[INDENT]All (Or a majority) of hostile mobs will despawn
Passive mobs will spawn at a higher rate than normal
Any hostile mobs will attack as if encountered during Vanilla Minecraft (Including Nether)[/INDENT]
During Nighttime:
[INDENT]Hostile Mobs (Including Endermen and Pigmen) will spawn at a 3x rate than normal
All Hostile Mobs will be 3x Stronger and 3x More Health
Higher Chance of Enchanted Weaponry[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
Survival Tips:
[INDENT]Getting Started:
[INDENT]/suicide Until you find a decent spawn area
[INDENT]A decent spawn area would have lots of trees, cows, possible sugarcane/watermelons
Not flooded with caves[/INDENT]
Chop down trees and collect food
Then begin to build a base[/INDENT]
Base Building:
[INDENT]Preferred Base is to be built underground
Use torches to keep all areas lit
[INDENT]If possible, use Jack-O-Lanterns or Glowstones to conserve space and increase light[/INDENT]
Create an Underground Farm
Acquire/Get Teammates (If you die, they can /tpahere you back to the base)[/INDENT]
During Daylight Cycle:
[INDENT]Farm Passive Mobs during this time
Cut Down Trees during this time
Go Spelunking during this time
Visit the Nether during this time[/INDENT]
During Night Cycle:
[INDENT]Expand Your Base
Organize Your Chests
Brew Potions
What should I go after?:
Water Melons
Sugar Canes[/INDENT]
Soul Sand[/INDENT]
Blazes-Blaze Rods
Magma Cubes-Magma Creams[/INDENT]
[INDENT]Stuff you would usually get mining (Diamonds/Gold/Iron/Coal/Lapis/Redstone)
If you have any questions, just ask and I'll answer them to the best of my ability.