CaveSpiderSam Tbh your best sig was the c&h one~ @Marshy_88Tbh you're right so I just put it back into my sig
Pmx728 Tbh you're right so I just put it back into my sig~ @CaveSpiderSamTbh u seem like a really nice person, but I never see you in game :/
Imurph Tbh u seem like a really nice person, but I never see you in game :/~ @Pmx728Tbh I know we're friends IRL but you're a complete fag :PTbh I know we're friends IRL but you're a complete *** :p~ @ImurphThat is supposed to say f a g
Mjs6000 Tbh you suck at skywars~ @ImurphTbh i don't know you well, but i like you now, as you can agree pmx sucks/ is a noob.Edit: 69 replies ayeeee.:p