I need a small village built in the front of a large castle at /t spawn medieval in alpha.
I have ~1 million meebles I can spend. I will pay based on the quality and how fast you build it.
For the village I want it to be based off of this [SPOILER="Village: Warning Large Link"]https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=medieval+manor+village&view=detailv2&&id=46F1ABFC82CC8315ABF0D62BA9AB0EBCB557D073&selectedIndex=62&ccid=am77cmgf&simid=608011170655175530&thid=OIP.M6a6efb72681f9457694c362af79566b9o0&ajaxhist=0
I want the buildings and landscaping similar to this picture, start a convo with me if you will build.
I do not want it copied from any other buildings, I will provide money for materials, I do want it built quickly (within 2 weeks of us making a deal)
For the interior, it can be based off of anything 0r be original. I have 6-8 plots, double layered castle I need it for. /t spawn medieval is the castle. I was a big center room where you enter, and the 2 plots I want it to consist of anything that you could think of that would look realistic :)