So i had slot machines and i had signs saying they were disabled and i accidentally placed blocks around them and did not realize they were covered up and some people bought from them and determined they couldnt be won so i was reported for hiding the sign and they asked me if i would pay all the people back and i pay everyone back a bit more than they bought on the slots so i thought that was the end of it and no one told me i would be banned. then i covered all the slots up with signs saying that they were disabled and i think about a week to two weeks later i was banned for i dont know how long i just discovered i was banned i never even got on and i had mail from sjoepappentrap saying that i was fined 35 thousand meebles for a scamming ban. The reason im reporting this is because im okay with being banned but i want to know why i was fined 35k for being banned and i even payed the people that were ripped off more than they even bought in the slots im also wondering why i was banned so late after the whole incident happened. the person that banned me was summrs.