SuperDyl It's funny to see dug up forums! Glad you also played ignorantly alone for way to long as well!
CluelessKlutz Do you still have that same survival world?~ @Erebus45Sure do! I was really bad then, so it isn't all that impressive now. On the other hand, I managed to make a wall around a city using 2 large chests of cobble, mining it all with only iron or stone picks with no beacons.
Erebus45 Sure do! I was really bad then, so it isn't all that impressive now. On the other hand, I managed to make a wall around a city using 2 large chests of cobble, mining it all with only iron or stone picks with no beacons.~ @CluelessKlutzKudos to you. I don't have the patience for 10 minutes of vanilla let alone a couple years of the same one. Now ftb though, I could do that for years.
Adrian As one can easily see, I am brand new to the Meepcraft Forums (or any forums, for that matter). I hope to actually be able to suggest some ideas, or correct technical errors. Since January 2013, I have played Minecraft, but it was only last Summer, June 2015 that I started multiplayer. Yea, I seriously played all alone for two-and-a-half years. . . (You should see the survival world I built [Yes, I only play one survival world too].) Anyways, I hope to grow with this amazing community as both a player, and a person!~ @CluelessKlutzur bad at trolling, actually bad
alex77034 Welcome to Meepcraft! If you need any help, feel free to /pm me in game! If you don't have a town, we'd be happy to invite you to Legend and get you a plot! :)
SpongeyStar *Shrugs* What's a stream? (What happens when you don't use social media. . .)~ @CluelessKlutzonce a noob, always a noob, noobmin!
CluelessKlutz See, this is why I'm glad I didn't post anything embarrassing in my intro.~ @CluelessKlutzStill true
alex77034 Welcome Clulessklutz to Meepcraft! If you are looking for a town, we’d be happy to get you started with a plot in Legend. If you have any free time, you’re more than welcome to help us with our Mystical nation spawn!
lanekids40 Welcome Clulessklutz to Meepcraft!If you are looking for a town, we’d be happy to get you started with a plot in Legend. If you have any free time, you’re more than welcome to help us with our Mystical nation spawn!~ @alex77034L M A O
smk In that case, MasterofToast, no I do not. Thanks for the welcome, Baby Elsa! As one can see, I am obsessed with CTF errors and questions in others' threads. Gotten to Premium rank by winning CTF and then buying through rank sellers :)~ @CluelessKlutzThere’s quite a few CTF errors. Get on that?