A very simple visual/written guide to help split 5 different sections, to help you maximize efficiency in the wild when mining.
For those people with Elite, you can utilize some of the commands that you have, such as /nv.
1. Preparations
- Items
- Preparation Do's and Donts'
2. Location
3. What to do and what not to do
4. Techniques
- Organization
- Ores
5. Selling
- Shop price comparison and list
1. Preparation:
In order to properly mine, you'll need some proper tools, and enough items. I usually mine in 1 hour intervals, to prevent my inventory from getting full
Pickaxe (preferably diamond)
At least 2 stacks of torches (considering you don't have /nv)
Sword (preferably diamond)
Bow and Arrows
A sense of adventure
Pack enough torches
Empty your inventory of junk before starting
Have your tools almost fully repaired
Have a plan (How much time am I going to spend down there? What ores am I looking for?)
Go with a friend (It's lots of fun)
Bring a water bucket
Have a silk touch pick for spawners
Bring armor
Bring some healing potions
Bring as little items as needed
Bring wood
Overthink everything
Bring too many items
Spend too much money getting ready
2. Location
/warp wild, wander around looking for ravines and caves before warping again. Don't get distracted...
Ravines will generally lead to more caves, so try to look for those. Digging a tunnel should be your last option.
3. Techniques
Once you've found a location, you can begin mining. (Finally!) But you need to consider your technique.
For a more safer approach, (ideal for people that are bad with mobs or are new), I'd recommend strip mining. Press F3 on your keyboard and find the Y axis, which should increase and decrease when you jump up a block or jump down. Ideal level for mining is level 11 or 12, but bedrock works fine as well.
Strip Mining:
Many people have different techniques for strip mining, but at it's simplest, strip mining is simply digging a 2 block tall tunnel in 1 general direction to find ores.
My recommendation for this is to dig a straight tunnel, in one direction, then, on the sides, every 5-6 blocks dig straight into the side of the tunnel at head level as far as your pickaxe will go. This way, you can check a big area for ores, without having to dig out that area.
Here's an example:
(missing image)
Caving is very simple: explore a cave while putting torches on the side to light it up. Sounds simple, but very risky. Armour and proper supplies are a must have.
Preparation is important
When caving make sure to mark the direction you came from with two torches, like so.
Be prepared for mobs, and kill them upon sight.
Be aware of your surroundings and make sure to prevent tall ledges
Use water to turn lava in obsidian
Try to mine all the iron ore you can, it's worth 55 a piece. (More info on that in the selling section)
(missing image)
Don't bother with coal, it's literally worthless.
Don't get distracted ;)
4. Selling
Selling can be done at a number places, including chest shops, vshop, and the donator shop.
Citizens get access to some ores
Iron worth more than 3k a stack. You'll usually get atleast 3 stacks of iron in an hour, which is 9k.
(also missing)
Don't forget to use Fortune III on ores to get more out of them
Shop List:
(none yet, reply for your shop to be added.)
Price comparison:
Iron Ore:
55/Piece @ Donator Shop (/warp shop)
400/Piece @ Donator Shop (/warp shop)
Gold can be sold at the bank for 100 a piece.
Redstone Ore: Thanks for reading! Any and all constructive feedback is appreciated! Minecraft doesn't seem to be letting me take any screenshots, as soon as I fix this I'll add this missing pictures. The guide seems to be fine as it is without them.
Silk diamond, emerald.
Fortune anything else.
Max profit.