DangitAnas Hi, check my latest build in creative, took me a few time so please don't be rude to me and rate it. @andrewrobins get me arch, I'll build you lot of stuffs like this. The server's gonna like it!!!
Muunkee This is a true work of art *sniff*I can't believe you made such a magical piece in such a game like this *wipes tear*
2leah2 I can't even.. I-i i would buy this for all the money it takes! Wow, how are you not an Arch already?!
Lord_Walrus Soz its not rly arch worthy but good build~ @0zbloxAre you serious?Please let this be bait
DangitAnas Soz its not rly arch worthy but good build~ @0zbloxDude I spent a whole day aking the design and implementing it in creative. Y is you rude to me? :c