Photoave12 thats your problem. i love how you said you were more well known than him when his title was celebrity meeper and yours was popular meeper.~ @_Smarties910_I never said I was definitely more popular than him. Plus I'm on tapatalk. I can't see the player titles
Landonator419 You know who I am, don't even play.~ @BlackJackU use to that's how ik u. More popular.more~ @Toostenheimerstfu I'm more popular
Toostenheimer stfu I'm more popular~ @Landonator419I doubt that 100%. I really hope you know who I am.
BlackJack U use to that's how ik u. More popular.~ @Landonator419I still play, and have played for longer than you think, that's how everyone else knows me. ;)