Okay so, you are saying somehow in hell's name you had $100,000,000.0 meebles. Then you lost " "$600,000.0" and only have $450,000.0 left. You just applied for HELPER and MEDIA and now you're lying about wanting money? This is the WORST way to try and get money. 1.) You need proof. 2.) The staff will look into your logs with prism and check if you're lying, or actually telling the truth.
Ok I have been having problems with my money but this is ridiculous. I have had 10k lost . Then 15k , but i got on and 600k gone. POOF!! For more info. I did not dice or spend it. I had 100,067,00 when i got off but when i got on i only had 467k. can you please refund my money?
~ @PinkCupcake1
Okay, so this is 100% a fake refund request. Considering I
JUST did /bal PinkCupcake1 and you have $950,455.66 meebles. Please don't make false money requests, especially if you have two applications up.