First of all, my IGN is MangledMeme. All of what I'm about to say can be confirmed by shains but at the time I am writing this he can't do anything because he is in a meeting so he told me to write it on here. Here's what happened: Okay, so all's good and I have just bought a town and I'm making some plots, whilst buying grass blocks and stone bricks on the vshop as I do, using /buy 1000 grass 10000 as I go along. Later, I hire some people to come and do 3 plots for me, so I give them the materials and they start to do it. When I get to the point where I pay them, I realise I don't have enough meebles to pay them at all, so I check my balance and find out I have but 300 meebles and that's crazy because I have like 830k or so! I apologise to the builders and do a modreq and later find out shains has replied to it and told me to check /sales MangledMeme which I did and found out I had payed one person 225k meebles and another 555k meebles, both for 1000 grass and as I said earlier, I was doing that command which must be a bug because I put 10,000 meebles for maximum amount. If you think that wasn't the command I used for that, do be sure to ask shains because he told me that it was. Thank you, and I hope you consider this refund request.