(Meepcraft) Name just voted! - Redeem in spawn!
Personally, I always voted via the main page. I had no clue about /vote. When I got the message above, I came to the spawn and... stood there clueless.
The suggestion is just an easy change from ([COLOR=#b300b3]Meepcraft) Name just voted! - Redeem in spawn![/COLOR]
to (Meepcraft) Name just voted! - Redeem in spawn with /vote!
Aside from that, I have been reading through the Trello site (damn it's a mess) and didn't find any post regarding losing one's votes after loging on/off. You can count fixing this as a part of my suggestion.
While I appreciate Trello and knowing what's up with the server, it is horribly organized. If one was to look for a specific thing, one would have to read through it all and hope to find it rather earlier than later.