_Smarties910_ What is going on lol I'm so lost~ @LadyCassandraWe all are. Happy page 4!What is going on lol I'm so lost~ @LadyCassandraDid you mean in the show or with this thread?
Darke_Amethyst Yes, hence my location.~ @_Smarties910_I see. I haven't watched any of them so I wouldn't know. *Prepares for rant*
_Smarties910_ Are we the only ones on forums or somethingK i gotta go guys :p cya later...have fun spam-messaging the forums lol~ @LadyCassandraBye
TheAngelEclipse Sounds fun, good luck!~Edit; Wait a second, 2015 goes up until midnight on December 31st, and right now it's only 5pm on December 28th for me. Hmm..
BlueXGhost :D Random Today is the 28th~ @_Smarties910_29th for meLol that mess up :P I did this to make it longer............................................................
_Smarties910_ I like pie :p~ @BlueXGhost :DIf it's the 29th for you, tomorrow would be the 30th not the 31st New Years is on the 31st.
TheAngelEclipse Random 29th for meLol that mess up :pI did this to make it longer............................................................~ @BlueXGhost :DIt's based off the number of posts per page, not the length of posts. c: