Some people seem to think there's nothing to do in minecraft. I'm helping.
Most of these should probably be in towny, but several can transfer to other worlds too.
I just do towny because that's what I currently play the most.
- Make a town from scratch using /t new
- Restore an old, abandoned town to it's former glory. Harder than it looks.
- Tear down and rebuild your town's already existing spawn and make it cooler.
- Build some automatic farms for your residents.
- Build grinders (If you are elite + or have an elite + in your town.)
- Make those grinders automatic.
- Find an old water temple.
- Mine out said water temple.
- Make a grinder out of said temple.
- Make said temple grinder automatic.
- Build yourself a new storage with a chest or two for every possible item.
- Fill up at least 50% of those chests. It'll take a loooooong time.
- Max out your /jobs levels. It'll take 12+ hours of work per job.
- Get a full inventory of TnT and blow up the wild.
- Set up a board at a nether portal and put down your IGN (Muunkee was here) and come back later to see if it's griefed or if it has more names :3
- Make some pixel art! Everyone loves pixel art, and it's fairly easy but takes you awhile,along with some thought as to what blocks should represent different colors.
- Build a 1 block : 1 inch scale model of your bedroom. Make it as close as possible. Probably best in singleplayer.
- Build a minecraft size model of your house IRL.
- Build a disco party room in your town, make it dark, and give people fireworks. Whoo.
- Set up a firework show area and fill up the dispensers. People like fireworks.
- Sell fireworks.
- Sell all of your spare items to various /pwarp's.
- If a chest in a /pwarp is not full, make if full. I dare you.
- Set up a small shop with cool little items like /vote notes or unique blocks like the stone slabs with the wooden textures.
- Set up a large shop with as many items as possible. Fill up all the chests before opening it to the public.
- Make an awesome PvP arena. Don't make it too big or too fancy and people will yell at you.
- Make a god item shop with god tools and armour and weapons.
- Make a shop for the 1.9 items when it comes out! Tipped arrows, Purpur blocks, etc.
- Get to level 20 in infected.
- Get to level 20 in laser.
- Get 25,000 total coins in infected
- Same in laser.
- Get to the leaderboards of Boomo.
- Get to the top kills in kitpvp (goooood. Freaking. Luck.)
- Become a master at PvP in general.
- Collect over 50 heads.
- 100 heads.
- 200 heads.
- Make a head museum.
- Make the floor out of rare minerals to show off that you're probably the best and coolest person ever.
- Dig a 3x3 plot area down to bedrock and fill it up with stuff.
- Make an automatic tree farm (there's an hour long tutorial on youtube.
- Fully deck out your house.
- Get to 10 million meebles.
- Get ultimate if you haven't already. Takes a lot of time and meebles.
- Build something obscene underneath your plot and cover it... no one will ever know. >:3
- Tame 2 ocelots and 2 wolves and make a breeding factory for heads.
- Collect the heads of every mob.
- Collect those rare heads dropped by supermods +. The special chest and stuff.
- Say you're selling a book that tells you how to get money... the contents? ''Sell this book!'