- New MeepShop is complete with attention given to lores, enchanted items, /filled items, and undercutting
~ @Sjoeppappentrap
Two months ago or so I was told that enchanted items cannot be put up for sale in /shop, which is fine and I understand.
Then I read this post. Since then, I have tried this several times and with several combinations, without any success, even with the codes (for example, to sell an unbreaking 3 book for 2000 meebles I used "/sell 1 403#14 2000", the answer is always "could not be found". I also tried the codes to try to buy, but the answer is also "could not be found" instead of "nobody is selling whatever".
Since then, I have also asked helpers about this twice and after asking me to try it with the code and both realize it doesn't work, they told me to put it in the helpers chat but never received an answer.
I also checked /warp shop to see if by "meepshop" you guys were referring to that, but I did not see any enchanted item for sale there (unless they are only available for Supremes and Ultimates).
I am just asking for a clarification about this piece of information in the post.
I take this chance to thank you guys for your awesome work in this server. Keep on, you rock!! :)