This guide here. Yes this very guide will show you how to make alot of profit. If you FOLLOW every single step.
Flipping for example is Buying an item for low. I.E Buy 64 coal for 5 each. Then Sell 64 coal 8 each. Which is a profit of: 192. But if you do it in big amounts. it can result in a big profit.
Step 1: Know your prices. This is crucial to making millions. Prices can vary, so watch it.
Step 2: Don't go overboard. People can always screw with you. I.E You could sell something for $8 then they could sell it for $7.99.
Step 3:Get used to it. After you experiment. Things should get quite familiar. Then the meebles start rollin' in.
Step 4: Try new things: Anything in demand is good. Everything is needed. not always the obvious things are the good things.
Step 5:STOCK: Always have stock. You want to be on the market 24/7. It's best to flip just before you go on big breaks.(Sleep, Holidays) So you know when you come back. You could be fairly rich.
And the last step: DON'T spend all your meebles on one thing. This could result in a huge loss.
And least forget. time is important. You could have to wait days for an item to sell. Try doing items in demand at first. Then move on to bigger audiences over bigger periods of time.
Buy 64000 coal for $10 each. Sell for $15 each. Around +300k profit
Buy 6400 Wood logs for $10 each. Sell for $20 each. x2 Profit.
Buy steak $1 each. Sell 2 each. x2 Profit
Buy wool 2 each. Sell 5 each. x2.5 profit.
NOTE:Not all prices are exact. Will differ in game due to needs. If there is anything missing. please say in the comments(replys) what needs to be done. Then I'll give a good think about it. thanks.