Llamazon I have a lot of weird home names. And I suppose you guys do too. Post a picture or type them up!Only rule: Don't make up homes for the sake of one little joke...dianapool? plobby? idk...
Klitch I have /home wall, wall2, boomo, boomo1, boomo2, boomo3, boomo4, boomo5, boomo6, boomo7, boomo8, boomo9, boomo10, boomo11, boomo12, and a few others...
Llamazon Can't post homes even after I blacked out the bad onesI cry~ @Muunkeewhat lol i didnt see the original
LadyCassandra /home a, /home b, and /home wild for a special place :DI keep it simple for the reason that in times of escape and I need to tp somewhere really fast, I can just type and extra 1 or 2 characters or so and I'll be there.