This is a refund request made out September 27, 2015 at 10:25pm
Player Nordy742 was advertising a ''Pvp Event @ /pawrp Wiggles'' So I was like, ''Oh that's cool, I'll go and check it out''. I get there and I look around for a pvp arena or something and there's nothing. After a few seconds I take damage from a bat, then I get killed. I /back to the pwarp to recollect my items which I do but get killed again. So I go back again and it's @icoolguyi That has killed me because he is no longer in /dis and say's ''Nice pickaxe''
- God Pickaxe Silk Touch
- God Axe Silk Touch
- God Shovel Silk Touch
- 12-15 Stacks of Sandstone
@icoolguyi wishes to return the items I'd be happy to delete this request.
Shains has already handled my lure modreq maturely and professionally.