swagbromac so I got a exclusive kit and there was nothing wrong but I'm getting a new account and when i do I'm going to get exclusive again and so i want the 40 dollars back so I can get exclusive again so plz give me the refund
benster82 so I got a exclusive kit and there was nothing wrong but I'm getting a new account and when i do I'm going to get exclusive again and so i want the 40 dollars back so I can get exclusive again so plz give me the refund~ @swagbromacI'll quote @Deinen on this one:When you buy a rank, the ownership of that rank belongs to that account. So the account that the rank is on owns it, we can't transfer it. You don't own the rank, that account does. Unfortunately, the only solution you have currently is to retrieve access to that account. I would suggest in the future only donating for an account that you have access too, you bought and own it outright 100%.~ @Deinen
Summers We can't its your fault.~ @Adam34falcon"We" I didn't know you were in charge of giving ranks lol.
Pmx728 Do they do rank transfers? He can't access his account swagbro_mac and has to buy a new one. ( I know him irl).
swagbromac Do they do rank transfers? He can't access his account swagbro_mac and has to buy a new one. ( I know him irl).~ @Pmx728Plzzzzzzzzz I beg of you plzzz
Muunkee Plzzzzzzzzz I beg of you plzzz~ @swagbromacThe rank is tied to a single account. There have only ever been 1 or 2 rank transfers ever, and they don't do it anymore.
Pmx728 Just to let you know his old account didn't let him play any servers or single player and had to get a new account. His new ign is applemac16
Muunkee Just to let you know his old account didn't let him play any servers or single player and had to get a new account. His new ign is applemac16~ @Pmx728this doesnt change the fact that rank transfers just don't happen.