Hello Meep,
As developments to the server continue, our rules must accommodate those changes. We are happy to announce our rules have been updated to meet our current needs. Please read them carefully, as the new rules go in effect immediately. Here is a changelog as to what major additions/subtractions we have made.
Regarding content allowed in chat channels.
- Using global chat (/g, /shout) for the purposes of sales, trade, and advertisements is prohibited and should be limited to the /tr chat (/tr)
- Using trade chat (/tr, /trade) for the purposes of conversation is prohibited and should be limited to other channels intended for conversation
A clearer list of mod features that aren't allowed.
- Any Full-Bright modification
- Any X-Ray related mod/texture pack/glitch
- Any form of speed hacks
- Any form of PVP hacks
- Any form of duplication, or “duping”
- Any form of parkour hacks
- Using any glitch that gives you an unfair advantage, or being warped somewhere that requires you to use a glitch
- Altering the Gamma of your client to simulate the effects of a full-bright modification (Donors with a full-bright perk are an exception to this rule)
- Macros, autoclickers, or devices set up to simulate either autoclicker or macro
- Scripts, or bots, or other externally semi-automated or automated functioning
A clearer list of mods/mod features that are allowed (this research on allowed modifications will continue).
- Optifine
- MCcapes
- PotionstatusHUD (Or any potion status mod that doesn't also have features listed above)
- ArmorstatusHUD (Or any armor status mod that doesn't also have features listed above)
- TabbyChat
- Minimaps that do not show the location of other players, chests, or entities (if it's togglable, it's still not allowed)
- Coordinate display mods (So long as it doesn't have features listed above)
A rule regarding disallowed usernames related to staff.
- Using usernames similar in nature to a staff member's username or a staff member's rank
A clear definition of what we consider Toxicity.
- Toxicity
- This rule does not prohibit people from expressing this displeasure, but tries to outline the manner in which a player should do so. This means, if you are unhappy with something, you’re welcome to post on the forums, or anywhere else detailing why you are unhappy with a certain aspect in a respectful way. However, some players are not satisfied with this outlet, and begin to become a thorn in the server’s proverbial side. If it is found that the majority of a player's interactions are negative ones against the server, staff, or any player in general, if that player continuously attempts to push the boundaries of the rules for the sake of pushing them, or in general attempts to degrade the enjoyment of the server for others in a continuous manner, this player can and will be considered toxic.
An easy solution for mini-game specific rules.
Note: All minigame specific rules will be listed in the minigame lobby
Clarification on the new process regarding staff/architect application comments.
Each person is allowed two posts on an application, leaving them one post for a comment, and one for a response to the applicant's comment. All comments will go through a moderation process to ensure they are considered useful contributions.
Addition on what illegally "Attracting Likes" means
Clarification on how to join our Teamspeak server.
To receive permissions to use our teamspeak server, you should file a /modreq in game for a staff member to verify your identity.
Clearer guidelines on town taxes.
Tax rules that towns must follow:
- A town that charges a tax must have the tax prices visible by signs at the town spawn
- Town taxes may not be change under any circumstances without a 7 day warning of the change and a clearly public note on the amount it is being changed to. Failure to do this will result in a very serious ban.
- If you have more residents than plots claimed in your town, you cannot charge a residential tax, but can charge a plot, embassy, or shop tax
- Residents must be given a 7 day warning before any tax increases
- Changing a player’s plot type to a higher tax bracket is considered increasing taxes, and requires a 7 day warning. The exception to this is if the town rules already detail how, when, and why they will do this (For example: If a resident is inactive 14 days, their plot will be switched to embassy or shop, which can have a higher tax)
Kicking players with a temporary ban was changed from a 5d warning after their ban expires to a 7d warning after their ban expires.
- Players with a tempban - If a player has a tempban, then you must give them a 7 day warning after their ban has expired. The warning must be done with /mail, and a sign on their plot optional.
- Players with a Perm ban - If a player has been permanently banned. You must wait for an admin to review the plots before you can take them back. If the ban is reduced to a tempban, you must give them a 7 day warning after the ban was expired. If the player is unbanned, you must give them a 7 day warning.
A rule for deleting towns was added.
A town may NOT be deleted under any circumstances unless the town has no members in the town or all member of the town were warned of the deletion 14 days previously using the message board. An honest attempt to contact town members must also occur. Removing money from bank to cause a town to fall is also prohibited.
A rule clarifying the relationship between the Mayor and Co-mayor was added.
The Mayor and Co-Mayor are equal in rank within the town, the co-mayor not needing permission for actions such as, but not limited to:
- /t claim
- /t unclaim
- /t withdraw
- Alteration to any property in town possession
- Removal or usage of any item on town property
The exception to this rule is in cases where the action taken by co-mayor puts the town at risk of falling. When withdrawing, a co-mayor must leave a minimum of 7 days worth of upkeep in the town, if the town falls, the co-mayor will be held responsible for the situation. Also prohibited is the act of joining a town as staff with the only intention to grief/steal and will be considered scamming. All other mayor and co-mayor disputes will not be moderated.
Potion rules were updated for 1.9.
The use of an Invisibility, Poison, or Strength II potions in any form (including tipped arrows) is illegal in the Terrarium (KitPVP is an exception only if it is a part of your kit or purchased otherwise). Any other potions are legal.
A rule regarding alternate accounts and PVP.
Using alternate accounts to generate easy meebles is prohibited. This rule also includes using friends who allow you to kill them.
Donor commands rule was removed as it is now self regulated.
A rule regarding kicking island members.
When kicking an island member, you must give them a 7 day warning before doing so. If a player has been inactive for more than 14 days, you are welcome to kick them without warning.
Clarification on island restarting rule as well as what occurs when you restart.
The act of beginning new islands with the intention of selling the items then /island restart-ing again is prohibited. As well as beginning a new island, to gather the items and transfer them to another party, and proceed to /island restart. Any measures taken to circumvent the idea of having one island to begin with and/or to work with are prohibited. If for any reason you need to leave an island, your achievements will be reset. Abusing this mechanic is also prohibited.
Parkour rules were removed as it is now self regulated.
We thank you for your time. Special thanks to Deinen, KlutchDecals, and Epick8 who all played roles in this development.
-MeepCraft Staff
Please note I skipped over minor revisions and may have missed some updates. Please be sure to read the rules in their entirety.