lordusan I find some iron ore and use my magical pocket protectors (@Liam @Llamazon) to turn it into silver. A bunch of angry little kids start running after you because you stole their Halloween candy.
LadyCassandra Eat their candy in front of them. They'll break down crying, the poor children.Your clock is chasing you. As they say, "time flies."
cooey Punch it in the face then stabs it with my handYour mom is know chasing you...~ @Hypercraft12RoodI tell my mom to leave.An ugly bear is chasing you.
lordusan You cross a street while the fat kid gets run over by a bus. A giant agario cell is chasing you.
SpongeyStar The giant agario cell didn't know you grew even bigger so you chomp the agario celllordusan is now chasing you because he made that big agario cell for nothing
Metzy You defeat lordusan by smiting him with the sword iMel spawned in!Oh dear.. Lordusan came back to life and doubled in size! Run in a different direction to defeat him! He will get confused and die of confusion!
lordusan Lordusan doesn't get confused, and therefore he catches you. The end.Jk, a dead Dean Winchester is chasing you.
CARTANfan I bump a bunch of treads to get his attention The ghost of j00mad is chasing you and is being annoying by spamming "plz I cri"
lordusan The ghost of j00mad gets rekt by lordusan's hacks (and the /tempban command for that spam)@Metzy decides to eat some veggie straws and emerges fatter than ever b4.
SpongeyStar Spongey eats all the rest of Metzy's veggie straws and so she has nothing else to eatSquidward chases you because you stole his clarinet
lordusan You use your pocket protectors to blow a bubble and trap squidward in it.A wild @Klitch emerges from his grave.
LadyCassandra Klitcher is granted to change his name to "Moferator" and goes off into chat bragging about his nameMarshmallow from Frozen is now chasing you.
SpongeyStar elsa why did you post before me ;_;You get yer fire gun and shoot Marshmallow down painlesslyYou chase yourself
Metzy You distract the pixels by throwing a light bulb far behind you.Dean Winchester gets uninterested in the threads and turns into a demon and tries to make you sell your soul to him.
lordusan I embrace my bed because I need more than an average of 4 hours of sleep.The True Dark Knight is chasing you.