gr1ff09 So i voted and it said i won a sjoepappentrap disguise note. But when i look in my inventory, it wasnt there. please help!-gr1ff09
Math_Pro So i voted and it said i won a sjoepappentrap disguise note. But when i look in my inventory, it wasnt there. please help!-gr1ff09~ @gr1ff09Dude, haven't staff said there is a bug to the plugin and it will be fixed? Geez, calm down. You will get your note.
Muunkee Dude, haven't staff said there is a bug to the plugin and it will be fixed? Geez, calm down. You will get your note.~ @Math_Prodon't be so hostile, he just wants the note.In the future, vote in /spawn and you should receive the notes.
417Mario So i voted and it said i won a sjoepappentrap disguise note. But when i look in my inventory, it wasnt there. please help!-gr1ff09~ @gr1ff09This wasent added too long ago, therefore, it could be buggy.Could you have also provided proof?
KlutchDecals This is a known issue but unfortunately without proof we cannot process a refund. Please mail me proof and we can get this sorted.