why would i delete his post? He can be negative if he wants to up to a certain extent. I'm not going to delete his post just cuz I dont like it. I'm just going to make him look very very silly. its like this. Either I'm right and I win this cuz I'm amazing, or he's right and actually produces something useful for the community for once and it gets added and the server including me is happy. Win Win.
First off, how did you lose 500k, when the maximum you put in was 100k?
My suggestion, to prevent this from happening again, is to make a confirmation every time the purchase price exceeds 5k.
~ @Methul
So we actually discussed this rather vigorously and we decided against it. Its a matter of how intrusive and difficult we want to make something. Should we add a confirmation to everything because someone can accidentally buy it? You know? Theres an amount of reasonableness we want to keep. The current system is very clear and prevents these cases from happening. before the forced max price it would be 7 modreqs a day minimum. Now, this is pretty much the first case I've heard and I haven't seen a single modreq for it. confirmations are really annoying and we don't want them applied to absolutely everything because someone can make a mistake. the forced max price is very clear and has shown its effectiveness