lordusan This post was started July 12th. It has been about 45 days since it's start. If the goal for the post is 100 pages, then it would take over 2 years for the post to get 100 pages. (around 760 days).
cooey This post was started July 12th. It has been about 45 days since it's start. If the goal for the post is 100 pages, then it would take over 2 years for the post to get 100 pages. (around 760 days).~ @lordusanWow. But we are moving faster now
benster82 This post was started July 12th. It has been about 45 days since it's start. If the goal for the post is 100 pages, then it would take over 2 years for the post to get 100 pages. (around 760 days).~ @lordusanI wonder if we get to 100 pages reggles will close it just like the popularity thread.
lordusan I wonder if we get to 100 pages reggles will close it just like the popularity thread.~ @benster82Lol