Skaros123 Erk. The last picture I posted was rather ugly. I just realized that now. Here's a better one. (two)
tristan107366 I am very good looking as the girls say but i'm not going to show me because i look so bad on cameras! So her is my
Wubb8t It's the strangest thing when you draw up a mental picture of what you think people will look like, based on how they talk and act, and then see them in real life. :I
tristan107366 ~ @KlitchGuys I ran in to james_Grimplin! You would not believe what he looks like!Every thing I have ever known has been A LIE!! I don't know the point of life anymore!!!!!!! WHY JAMES WHY!!!!!
Flamedemond This doesnt make sense...isnt it supposed to be *facedesk*?~ @XxNine_TailsxXI know. It's stupid.This doesnt make sense...isnt it supposed to be *facedesk*?~ @XxNine_TailsxXBetter?
james_Grimplin Guys I ran in to james_Grimplin! You would not believe what he looks like!Every thing I have ever known has been A LIE!! I don't know the point of life anymore!!!!!!! WHY JAMES WHY!!!!!~ @tristan107366LIES! all of it! i don't look like that!
chirp1234 I look ugly as poo when I'm sweating, but here's a pic of me wetting a shot in a kids face~ @LR_DaviusYOU LIAR YOU SAID TOU WERE A CAT
tristan107366 LIES! all of it! i don't look like that!~ @james_GrimplinIt's to late you cant stop it!!!!