kevman967 Ok here is the real me..... I put a big smile for all of use! :3~ @chirp1234 Ur kinda hairy...
LR_Davius ~ @Mindnight_SwordNo mind, you're a swimmer. We all know you shave your legs and other things.
RuSiaN_PeDoBeaRAppeal Picture of me? Hold on, let take a picture.[ATTACH=full]2828[/ATTACH]~ @bideaweedegenerate
Empoleon_master Why did you take a pictue of yourself, while you where having a massive dump, airzos?
Airzos Why did you take a pictue of yourself, while you where having a massive dump, airzos?~ @Empoleon_masterThats a fake picture =/ here a real one. [ATTACH=full]4617[/ATTACH]