Cooleysworld I believe I can /feed like a Premium! Until 11:59pm Sunday standard Eastern Time......... VIP will be able to /feed thanks to “Free /feed"Please spread the word to all VIP's….. This is a one time /feed preview for all members of the VIP group on
SpongeyStar First! Ooooh awesome, vip's will love this!Please spread the word to all Supreme….. This is a one time /fly preview for all members of the Supreme group on @CooleysworldWhat...Guessing that was a copy and paste? xD
Bob4444444 Please spread the word to all VIP's….. This is a one time /feed preview for all members of the VIP group on @CooleysworldCopy and paste fail. :p
_Rigel IS this really that exciting? VIPS should have /fix instead for this time. /feed is useless IMO
ToonMichaela I believe I can /feed like a Premium! Until 11:59pm Sunday standard Eastern Time......... VIP will be able to /feed thanks to “Free /feed"Please spread the word to all VIP's….. This is a one time /feed preview for all members of the VIP group on @CooleysworldFirst! Ooooh awesome, vip's will love this!What...Guessing that was a copy and paste? xD~ @SpongeyStarno no its CopyPasta! :DIS this really that exciting? VIPS should have /fix instead for this time. /feed is useless IMO~ @_Rigel/fix is limited to the elite rank. only elite and above can hold a /fixed weapon. so after the weekend all the /fixed tools and armors would just break. aka your suggestion is rlly stupid.
Acceleradiance Next: Free /kick weekend for all Ultimates!~ @benster82No, something like this:/kick for Vip/gamemode for Premium/ban for ExclusiveWorldedit for EliteAccess to server files for Supreme/op for Ultimate
Skittleblend /ban for citizen, donor ranks and crueltygamingMNno helpers, mods, super mods, admins and owners
Redolwolf IS this really that exciting? VIPS should have /fix instead for this time. /feed is useless IMO~ @_Rigel/fix is limited to the elite rank. only elite and above can hold a /fixed weapon. so after the weekend all the /fixed tools and armors would just break. aka your suggestion is rlly stupid.~ @ToonMichaelaDammm sonnn