Towny is the main server of Meepcraft. Many players there everyday, joining towns or creating towns. I'm here to teach you how you can start up a great town, and sustain it!
~Buying the town~
So as you know, towns cost 200k to buy. But I recommend you have 300k, so you can deposit 100k once you buy it, other wise it'll fall quickly.
Once you have sufficient funds, go to /warp townsa or /warp townsb (whichever server you want to create your town in) then do /random. This will randomly teleport you to a part in towny wild, where you can find a place to settle your town. Once you've found a place, you can do /t new [townname] (Bear in mind you can always change the town name, it won't be like that forever!) After you do this command your town is created! Congratulations! *party time* Remember to deposit money into the town bank, by doing /t deposit [amount] because you don't want the town to fall the next day, that'd just be a waste of the 200k!
So you have succesfully bought the town and deposited money, so it's safe. Well, towny is about having residents and plots right? Well that's what we will get to!
~Claiming Plots~
Now, you are in need of plots, in order to have residents. But instead of just having plots, I recommend you build your town spawn first. It can be however big you want it to be, or just a few signs saying the rules. Purely up to you. To claim plots, do /t claim. This will automatically claim a 16x16 plot, which is the standard size. So your first plot can be your town spawn! This will cost money to buy plots, so make sure your town never gets low on funds. Once you've built a basic spawn, you can start making resident plots. Just go to the edge of the claimed plot, until it says 'Wilderness' then do /t claim. You've got a resident plot! Now you can just put a border around the plot, so its visible. I suggest putting stone slabs around the plot, instead of whole blocks. But just make sure it suits your town theme ;)
~Town Upkeep~
So you've claimed a few plots now, right? Well, claiming these plots does cost money. If you do /t, you will see info about your town. You can see it says "Bank" and "Town Upkeep." These are important, because without sustaining these, it'll result in your town falling. Town upkeep is based on the number of plots you have, so the more you claim, the more town upkeep, which means the more money you'll need in your town.
[B]~Adding Residents~[/B]
Okay, you have made a few plots. Well why did you make those plots? To invite residents, of course! When you are in towny, you sometimes see someone say "/w May I please join a town?" this means that there is someone in need of a town, and are eager to join one! To add someone, do /t add [playername]. When they accept, it'll say on your screen 'Player has joined the town!"
Yay! First resident! Well, I recommend doing /msg [player] Do /t spawn and I'll show you around!
Because sometimes there's those players who are very new and don't know about /t spawn etc...So you'll need to tell them. Once you see them at the spawn, you can tell them to read the rules (if you have any) then guide them to a plot!
Let's get straight to the point here. Before your resident can claim the plot, you're going to have to put it up for sale. To do this, do /plot fs [amount]. You can set your plot to cost an amount, I recommend put it at a low amount to attract more players ;) Once you put it for sale, the resident can stand on the plot and do /plot claim. Easy! They've claimed your first plot!
But then there's those times where there's a plot for sale, and it has something built, or someone elses things. You don't want anyone else claiming it and taking the stuff, so stand on the plot for sale and do /plot nfs.
Nfs means, not for sale (fs means for sale)
This Guide will be edited, just wanted to show a preview. I hope you learn from this thread, and if there are any mistakes, please do inform me! We don't want new players doing the wrong thing, do we?
Have a nice day,
- Spongey :D