Redolwolf could rek you with out even trying and SuperVlad could kill you with you not even touching him
~ @Seriena
Well. I am just saying what I have done before. I mean obviously I get rekt by them on meep...
but I did basically tie with supervlad on kohi. He had 2 hearts left no pots.
And I dont really 1v1 with redol often, but he did beat me once and I beat him once in gapple. also on kohi.
For the love of god, pleaseeee dont take this at arrogance, I am just saying what I did a little while ago. In most circumstances, they are better than me. I usually lose to them, but we pretty much always have good and pretty close fights. What you said about them reking me without me hitting them once is a complete load of steaming dog poop.