so they own a plot of land as well that no one can destroy?
~ @Laner
To make it so you can't destroy on a plot, do /plot set perm off.
TO make a shop, make a sign and fill it in with this:
Your IGN
Amout to buy/sell
Item name/ID
The numbers you put in beside the B is how much per the amount of items do they cost. If I want to sell 64 stone for 32 meebles I'd make a shop sign like this:
StoneNote that I don't have to put in something for S. Or, if I wanted, I could just have something for S and exclude B.
All shop signs must be either on a chest or on the block above the chest.
When you make a shop sign that chest is locked to anyone but you.
to make a pwarp type /pwarp new (name). costs 30K originally and 3K every 24 hours after that.