Today the server rolled back in Alpha and I lost the following items:
Iron Helmet - Prot 4 Respiration 3
Iron Chestplate - Prot 4
Iron Leggings - Prot 4
Iron Boots - Prot 4 Feather Falling 4
Diamond Sword - Sharpness 5 Unbreaking 3 Looting 3
Diamond Pickaxe - Unbreaking 3 Silk Touch 1 Efficiency 5
Diamond Axe - Unbreaking 3 Silk Touch 1 Efficiency 5
Diamond Shovel - Unbreaking 3(I think) Silk Touch 1 Efficiency 5
I also lost some torches but those aren't as important as my tools and armor.
I hope the items can be returned, everyone hates rollbacks.