White Mamba I guess Meep Colonies makes up for the added censor. This censor better be smart and not be taking messages down that contain a swear in the word, and stupid "curse words" (everyday language in some places) are taken away like the old one.
DarkWarriorX5 hahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahaha... yes! finally... effect is back... I strangely like the hearts effect
GroovyGrevous Thanks Fuzzlr! It is a really great map (The truth is that I still prefer the Old CTF, when we used WOOL to make forts)
Gamerperson783 So cool!I haven't been on meep that long to get to play that game I always wanted to play it!but could never!I loved playing that game even ma bff plays it so much!
Xboxplayer-12 Sounds awesome. I loved the original CTF and I'm glad to see it back. Hopefully I'll be online soon enough.