kevman967 Wow Fuzzlr. I have to say that this is one of the events that will bring Meep back to it's former glory. It's original, fun, and rewarding. I love it, and so do the new players!
minecraftsongs Awesome! I haven't really used the airship yet, but I have a few times. It's cool, and fun. A nice way to train in mob fighting, as well as finding prizes!
GroovyGrevous whats in the chests~ @builderjunkie012I dont really rememner but there are some diamonds and emeralds inside 'em
xXJoshXx dont really rememner~ @GroovyGrevousDoesn't remember....butsome diamonds and emeralds inside~ @GroovyGrevous:P
GroovyGrevous Doesn't remember....but:p~ @xXJoshXxOh my god.. Stupid mobile & auto correct.. Well at least you understood what i had to say
weewoozesty This further makes me wish I could spawn aggressive mobs with my spawners. I wanted to make something like this in my town.
xXJoshXx Oh my god.. Stupid mobile & auto correct.. Well at least you understood what i had to say~ @GroovyGrevousahaha i getcha